Static IP VPN - a Personal Dedicated Static VPN IP address

Get Your Dedicated IP VPN (Personal, Static IP Address) in 40+ Locations.

Static IP VPN
  • 2 GB DDR4 Memory
  • 1 vCPU High Frequency
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • 1 TB Bandwidth
  • VPN Static IP
Static IP VPN
  • 4 GB DDR4 Memory
  • 2 vCPU High Frequency
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • 2 TB Bandwidth
  • VPN Static IP
Static IP VPN
  • 8 GB DDR4 Memory
  • 4 vCPU High Frequency
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • 3 TB Bandwidth
  • VPN Static IP
Static IP VPN
  • 16 GB DDR4 Memory
  • 8 vCPU High Frequency
  • 50 GB NVMe SSD Storage
  • 4 TB Bandwidth
  • VPN Static IP

Static IP VPN - Dedicated IP For More Security

A Static IP VPN is a specialized network solution that provides a consistent and unchanging IP address for enhanced online security. It offers a reliable and constant connection, crucial for secure remote access and network stability, ensures your online activities are consistently linked to one IP address, reducing the risk of blacklisting and improving credibility, and is ideal for hosting servers or online banking, providing an extra layer of security due to its fixed nature.

Dedicated and static IP

Dedicated static IPs enhance network security, facilitate remote access and server hosting, and improve online reputation and stability.

40+ Locations of static IP

40+ Locations around the world with dynamic access to local carriers to ensure ultra-low latency connections for your games.

Low Latency, 99.95% Network Uptime

High-quality BGP Lines provide you with ultra-low latency and 99.95% network uptime.
Dedicated and static IP
40+ Locations of static IP
Low Latency, 99.95% Network Uptime

Connect. Deploy. Grow - Globally

Start deploying your High Performance Cloud VPS worldwide. Reduce latency, with our Cloud VPS located near your users and equipped with local BGP access.

  • USA FlagSilicon Valley
  • USA FlagWashington
  • Germany FlagFrankfurt
  • Turkey FlagIstanbul
  • Saudi Arabia FlagRiyadh
  • UAE FlagDubai
  • Thailand FlagBangkok
  • Vietnam FlagHanoi
  • Cambodia FlagPhnom Penh
  • Vietnam FlagHo Chi Minh
  • China FlagHong Kong
  • China FlagTaipei
  • Korea FlagSeoul
  • South Africa FlagJohannesburg
  • Singapore FlagSingapore
  • Philippines FlagManila
  • Bangladesh FlagDhaka
  • Brazil FlagSao Paulo
  • Saudi Arabia FlagJeddah
  • Japan FlagTokyo
  • Egypt FlagCairo
  • Bahrain FlagBahrain
  • Bulgaria FlagSofia
  • Greece FlagAthens
  • Malaysia FlagKuala Lumpur
  • UK FlagLondon
  • Oman FlagMuscat
  • Kuwait FlagKuwait City
  • France FlagMarseille
  • Pakistan FlagKarachi
  • Nepal Flagkathmandu
  • Russia FlagMoscow
  • Argentina FlagBuenos Aires
  • Indonesia FlagJakarta
  • Mexico FlagMexico City
  • Chile FlagSantiago
  • Myanmar FlagYangon
  • Colombia FlagBogota
  • Iraq FlagBaghdad
  • Qatar FlagDoha
LightNode Worldwide Locations
Years Experience
Data Centers
Cloud Servers Launched

More resources, less cost

Not only is it cheap, but it can give you up to $15 when you recharge for the first time.

  • LightNode resource
    1 vCPUComputer
    2 GBMemory
    50 GBStorage
  • VU resource
    1 vCPUComputer
    2 GBMemory
    50 GBStorage
  • DO resource
    1 vCPUComputer
    2 GBMemory
    50 GBStorage

Fortifying Confidential Access to Enterprise Servers

The strategic selection of dedicated IP addresses for the ingress to a company’s remote systems or proprietary servers represents a judicious move. This method empowers network administrators to compile an exclusive roster of sanctioned IP addresses, efficaciously curtailing unauthorized access, thereby shielding sensitive information from extraneous intrusions.

Navigating Past CAPTCHA Disturbances

Sharing an IP address with others often leads to the activation of CAPTCHA verifications, a factor that might hinder your web navigation experience. Opting for a standalone IP address empowers you to effortlessly access your email and a range of online accounts, liberating you from such unnecessary interruptions.

Guaranteeing Your Required Privacy

As your exclusive IP address is interconnected with your email account, the confidentiality it offers may not parallel that of a shared IP. Should you desire to sever this link between your specific IP and your email, embracing the anonymous setting is key. In adopting this approach, our system too will be rendered incapable of identifying your distinct IP address.

Enhancing Access to IP-Sensitive Websites

Content: Websites with acute sensitivities to IP alterations can hinder smooth access during VPN usage. The adoption of a dedicated IP address elegantly navigates this predicament, guaranteeing a steadfast and individualized IP, thus ensuring uninterrupted connectivity.

Remote Network Engagement

Navigating remote network connections via a communal VPN server often entails complexities, primarily due to the variable IP addresses assigned during each session. This obstacle is adeptly circumvented with the adoption of a dedicated static IP, streamlining the process.

Game Instant Setup

After creating a Static IP VPN, it will be available to you within 1 minute. The servers are sent out in automatic mode to provide instant access to server resources.

Trusted by over 80,000 customers all over the world

Leveraging our two-decade long experience in the IDC industry, our platform, LightNode, which was launched in 2021, has already served more than 80,000 customers across over 130 countries with over 1,100,000 cloud servers launched. Over the next three years, we aim to establish edge compute nodes in more than 100 countries worldwide to cover a broader user base.

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John Thompson
“ I've been using LightNode's VPS for a few months now. It's been a smooth ride so far, no big issues or anything. Their customer service is pretty responsive too.“
John Thompson

FAQ | Static IP VPN

  • Static IP VPN is a specialized type of Virtual Private Network (VPN) service that provides users with a fixed, unchanging IP address. Unlike dynamic IP addresses that change each time a user connects to the VPN, a static IP remains consistent. This feature is particularly beneficial for businesses and individuals who require a stable, permanent IP address for activities such as remote server access, hosting websites, gaming, or for secure and consistent communication. With a static IP VPN, users can ensure that their IP address is not shared with others, enhancing security and reducing the risk of blacklisting that can occur when multiple users share the same dynamic IP. This service is especially useful for those who need to access network resources remotely, as it allows for easier whitelisting and authentication due to the consistent IP address.
  • A static IP address for a VPN is not a necessity but can be beneficial for specific purposes. It provides a consistent IP address, enhancing accessibility for remote work, secure server access, and easier network management. However, for general browsing and privacy, a dynamic IP address offered by most VPN services is sufficient. The choice depends on your specific needs and use cases.
  • Your Static IP VPN has more than 40 strategic locations worldwide. The following are the Static IP VPN locations that have been launched: USA (Silicon Valley, Washington) VPS, Germany VPS, Turkey VPS, Greece VPS, Bulgaria VPS, UK VPS, France VPS, Columbia VPS, Brazil VPS, Argentina VPS, Saudi Arabia VPS, Dubai VPS, Bahrain VPS, Oman VPS, Kuwait VPS, Iraq VPS, Japan VPS, Singapore VPS, Korea VPS, Hong Kong VPS, Vietnam VPS, Cambodia VPS, Philippines VPS, Taiwan VPS, Thailand VPS, Bangladesh VPS, Malaysia VPS, Pakistan VPS, Indonesia VPS, Nepal VPS, South Africa VPS, Egypt VPS, Russia VPS, Mexico VPS, Santiago de Chile VPS, Myanmar VPS.
  • The key difference between a static IP and a dynamic IP for a VPN lies in the consistency of the IP address assigned. A static IP remains the same each time you connect to the VPN, offering stability and ease for tasks like remote accessing, hosting servers, or creating secure connections. A dynamic IP changes with every connection, providing enhanced anonymity and reducing the likelihood of being blocked by websites or services due to IP recognition. Each has its advantages depending on your requirements for security, accessibility, and privacy.
  • The speed of a VPN is not inherently affected by whether the IP is static or dynamic. VPN speed depends more on factors like the VPN server's location, its load, your internet connection, and the VPN protocol used. A static IP VPN offers benefits like consistent access and ease of configuration, but these do not directly translate to faster speeds compared to a dynamic IP VPN.

Don't miss out on the best Static IP VPN.

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