How to Change Hostname in AlmaLinux: A Complete Guide

By LightNode ·


AlmaLinux, an open-source, community-driven enterprise Linux distribution, has gained popularity as a downstream compatible alternative to CentOS. As a robust server operating system, properly setting up the hostname is crucial for system management and network configuration in AlmaLinux.

A hostname is a unique identifier assigned to a computer, used to identify the device on a network. It plays a vital role in system administration, network communication, and security. A well-configured hostname helps administrators easily identify and manage different devices in a network while facilitating the setup of various network services.

In this guide, we'll explore different methods to view and change the hostname on an AlmaLinux system, discussing important considerations in the process. Whether you're a system administrator or a Linux enthusiast, this article will help Alma Linux change hostname.

Viewing the Current Hostname

Before making any changes, it's important to know your current hostname. In AlmaLinux, you can view the hostname using several methods:

Using the hostname command:


Using the hostnamectl command:


Checking the /etc/hostname file:

cat /etc/hostname

Methods to Change the Hostname

AlmaLinux provides multiple ways to change the hostname. We'll cover three primary methods:

Using the hostnamectl Command

The hostnamectl command is the preferred method for changing the hostname in modern Linux systems, including AlmaLinux.

To change the hostname using hostnamectl:

sudo hostnamectl set-hostname new-hostname

Replace new-hostname with your desired hostname.

Editing Configuration Files

You can also change the hostname by directly editing the /etc/hostname file:

  1. Open the file with a text editor:

    sudo nano /etc/hostname
  2. Replace the existing hostname with the new one.

  3. Save the file and exit the editor.

  4. Optionally, update the /etc/hosts file to reflect the new hostname:

    sudo nano /etc/hosts

    Update the line containing the old hostname.

Using the nmcli Command

Network Manager's command-line tool, nmcli, can also be used to change the hostname:

sudo nmcli general hostname new-hostname

Verifying the Change

After changing the hostname, it's important to verify that the change has been applied successfully:

  1. Use the hostname command:

  2. Check with hostnamectl:

  3. Reboot the system and verify again to ensure persistence:

    sudo reboot

Considerations When Changing Hostname

When changing the hostname, keep in mind:

  • Some system services may need to be restarted to recognize the new hostname.
  • Update any configuration files that explicitly use the hostname.
  • If your system is part of a network, update DNS records and inform network administrators.
  • Ensure the new hostname complies with RFC 1123, which specifies hostname standards.


If you encounter issues after changing the hostname:

  • Verify that all relevant files (/etc/hostname, /etc/hosts) are correctly updated.
  • Check system logs (journalctl) for any error messages related to the hostname change.
  • Ensure that the new hostname is valid and doesn't contain any illegal characters.


Changing the hostname in AlmaLinux is a straightforward process that can be accomplished through various methods. Whether you prefer using hostnamectl, editing configuration files, or using nmcli, the key is to ensure consistency across the system and to verify the change.

Remember to consider the impact on network configurations and system services when changing the hostname, especially in production environments. With this guide, you should now be able to confidently manage hostnames in your AlmaLinux systems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Will changing the hostname affect my running applications?

A: Most applications should not be affected, but some may need to be restarted to recognize the new hostname.

Q: Do I need to reboot after changing the hostname?

A: While not always necessary, a reboot ensures all systems recognize the new hostname.

Q: Can I use spaces or special characters in my hostname?

A: It's best to avoid spaces and special characters. Stick to letters, numbers, and hyphens for maximum compatibility.

Q: How does changing the hostname affect SSH connections?

A: Existing SSH connections won't be affected, but new connections will use the new hostname. Update your SSH configs if necessary.

Q: Is there a maximum length for hostnames?

A: While theoretically hostnames can be up to 253 characters, it's best to keep them under 63 characters for maximum compatibility.