How to Run a Bash Script: A Beginner's Step-by-Step Guide

By LightNode ·


Bash, short for "Bourne Again Shell," is a powerful command-line interpreter widely used in Unix and Linux systems. It provides a robust environment for executing commands, automating repetitive tasks, and creating complex workflows.

For both beginners and experienced developers, Bash scripts are essential for simplifying system management, deploying applications, and processing data efficiently. This article will guide you through the process of running a Bash script, from understanding its basics to executing it effectively.

What is a Bash Script?

A Bash script is a plain text file containing a series of commands that the Bash shell can execute. These scripts are essentially a way to automate command-line tasks, making repetitive or complex workflows easier to manage.

Common Uses of Bash Scripts

  • Automating Tasks: Perform routine system maintenance, backups, or updates.
  • File Management: Organize, rename, or process files in bulk.
  • Data Processing: Extract, manipulate, or analyze data from logs or files.
  • Application Deployment: Streamline software deployment and configuration.
  • Custom Tools: Create utility scripts to simplify specific workflows.

Basic Structure of a Bash Script

A typical Bash script follows a simple structure:

  1. Shebang (#!): The first line specifies the interpreter to be used, usually Bash.
  2. Commands: A series of valid shell commands written one per line.
    echo "Hello, World!"

Example: "Hello, World!" Script

Here’s a minimal example to illustrate the concept:

# This is a simple Bash script
echo "Hello, World!"

Benefits of Using Bash Scripts

  • Efficiency: Automate time-consuming tasks with minimal effort.
  • Flexibility: Handle a wide range of system operations.
  • Portability: Run scripts on almost any Unix-based system without modification.

Preparing to Run a Bash Script

Before you can run a Bash script, there are a few steps to ensure your environment is ready. This includes verifying the presence of Bash, creating a script file, and setting it up for execution.

Checking Bash Installation

Most Unix-based systems, including Linux and macOS, come with Bash pre-installed. However, if you’re using a system like Windows or need to confirm the installation, follow these steps:

  1. Check the Bash Version: Open a terminal and type:

    bash --version

    This command will display the installed version of Bash if it’s available.

  2. Installing Bash (if not installed):

    • Linux: Use your package manager (e.g., apt, yum).
      sudo apt install bash  # For Debian/Ubuntu
    • macOS: Bash is included by default, but you can upgrade via Homebrew if needed.
      brew install bash
    • Windows: Use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) or install Git Bash.

Creating a Simple Bash Script

  1. Write Your First Script: Use a text editor (e.g., nano, vim, or code) to create a new file:

  2. Add the Script Content: Start with a basic example:

    echo "Hello, Bash!"
  3. Save the File: Save the file with a .sh extension to indicate it’s a shell script.

Viewing the Script

To confirm the script’s content, use:


Making the Script Executable

Before you can run your Bash script, you need to set the appropriate file permissions to make it executable. This ensures that the system knows the script is intended to be executed as a program.

Understanding File Permissions

Unix-based systems control file access using three types of permissions:

  • Read (r): Allows the file to be read.
  • Write (w): Allows the file to be modified.
  • Execute (x): Allows the file to be executed as a program.

By default, a newly created script may not have execute permissions.

Granting Execute Permissions

To make the script executable:

  1. Use the chmod command to modify the file’s permissions.

    chmod +x

    This adds the execute (x) permission for the script.

  2. Verify the permissions using the ls command:

    ls -l

    You should see something like this:

    -rwxr-xr-x 1 user group size date

    The x in the permission string indicates the file is executable.

Why Make the Script Executable?

Making the script executable simplifies its execution process. Instead of explicitly calling Bash to run the script, you can execute it directly from the command line.

Running the Bash Script

Once your script is created and made executable, you can run it using several methods. Here, we'll explore three common ways to execute a Bash script.

Method 1: Using ./ Prefix

The most straightforward way to run a script is by specifying its path with ./:


Key Points:

  • The ./ prefix tells the shell to look for the script in the current directory.
  • If you encounter a "Permission denied" error, ensure the script has execute permissions (chmod +x

Method 2: Calling Bash Explicitly

You can also run a script by directly invoking the Bash interpreter:



  • No need to change file permissions.
  • Useful for quickly running scripts without modifying their attributes.

Method 3: Running the Script from Any Location

To run your script without specifying its path every time:

  1. Move the Script to a Directory in Your PATH: Copy the script to a directory like /usr/local/bin or ~/bin (create ~/bin if it doesn’t exist):

    cp ~/bin/
  2. Add the Directory to PATH (if not already included): Edit your shell’s configuration file (~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile) and add:

    export PATH=$PATH:~/bin

    Reload the configuration:

    source ~/.bashrc
  3. Run the Script Globally: Now you can execute the script from anywhere by typing:

Choosing the Right Method

  • Use ./ for quick, local script execution.
  • Call Bash explicitly when you don’t want to change permissions.
  • Add scripts to your PATH for convenience when running them frequently.

Common Issues and Solutions

Running Bash scripts may occasionally lead to errors or unexpected behavior. Here are some common issues and their solutions to help you troubleshoot effectively.

1. Permission Denied


When running the script, you see the following error:

bash: ./ Permission denied


This error occurs if the script lacks execute permissions. Use the chmod command to fix it:

chmod +x

2. Command Not Found


When executing the script, you see an error like:

bash: ./ command not found


  • Ensure the script file is correctly saved and includes valid commands.
  • Verify the shebang line (#!/bin/bash) is present and correctly points to the Bash interpreter.
  • Check your script’s file extension and make sure it’s not saved with a .txt or other unintended extension.

3. Syntax Errors


You encounter an error such as:

./ line X: syntax error: unexpected token


  • Double-check the script for typos or misplaced characters.
  • Use a text editor with syntax highlighting to spot errors more easily.
  • Run the script with debugging enabled to identify problematic lines:
    bash -x

4. Environment Issues


The script runs but produces unexpected results due to missing environment variables or dependencies.


  • Export any required environment variables before running the script:
    export VARIABLE_NAME=value
  • Check that all necessary tools and packages are installed.


You try to run the script globally, but it’s not recognized as a command.


  • Ensure the script is located in a directory included in the PATH variable.
  • Verify the PATH variable using:
    echo $PATH
  • If necessary, add the script’s directory to your PATH and reload the configuration.

6. Infinite Loops or Unexpected Behavior


The script runs indefinitely or produces incorrect output.


  • Check for logical errors in the script, such as improper loop conditions.
  • Test the script incrementally by running smaller sections to isolate the issue.

By addressing these issues systematically, you can ensure your Bash scripts run smoothly. In the next section, we’ll look at best practices for writing and maintaining effective Bash scripts.

Run Bash Script

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions About Running Bash Scripts

What is the purpose of the #!/bin/bash line in a script?

The #!/bin/bash line, also known as the "shebang," tells the system which interpreter to use to execute the script. Without it, the system might attempt to run the script with a default shell, which could cause errors if the commands aren’t compatible.

Can I run a Bash script on Windows?

Yes, you can run Bash scripts on Windows using:

  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL): Install a Linux distribution on Windows and run Bash scripts natively.
  • Git Bash: A lightweight option that provides a Bash-like environment on Windows.
  • Cygwin: Another tool for running Unix-like commands on Windows.

How do I pass arguments to a Bash script?

You can pass arguments to a Bash script by adding them after the script name:

./ arg1 arg2

Inside the script, use $1, $2, etc., to access the arguments:

echo "First argument: $1"
echo "Second argument: $2"

How do I debug a Bash script?

Use the bash -x command to run the script in debug mode, which displays each command and its output:

bash -x

Alternatively, add set -x at the top of your script to enable debugging for all commands.

Can I schedule Bash scripts to run automatically?

Yes, you can schedule scripts using cron on Linux or Task Scheduler on Windows. For example, to run a script daily at midnight with cron:

crontab -e

Add the following line:

0 0 * * * /path/to/

What are some common file extensions for Bash scripts?

The most common extension is .sh, but extensions are not strictly required. Naming your script with .sh helps indicate that it’s a shell script.

How can I stop a running Bash script?

To terminate a script during execution, press Ctrl+C in the terminal. If the script runs in the background, find its process ID (PID) using ps and terminate it with kill:

ps aux | grep
kill <PID>

How do I run a script that requires root privileges?

Use sudo to execute the script with administrative privileges:

sudo ./

Ensure you understand the script’s contents before running it as root to avoid potential security risks.

Can I include functions in my Bash script?

Yes, Bash supports functions for modular code. Define a function and call it within the script:

my_function() {
    echo "Hello from the function!"

How do I handle errors in a Bash script?

Use error handling techniques like checking the exit status of commands:

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "Error occurred"
    exit 1

Alternatively, use set -e at the beginning of the script to exit immediately if any command fails.

What is the difference between ./ and bash

  • ./ Runs the script as an executable file (requires execute permissions).
  • bash Explicitly invokes the Bash interpreter to run the script, regardless of permissions.

How do I include comments in a Bash script?

Use the # symbol to add comments. Comments are ignored during execution:

# This is a comment
echo "This is not a comment"

Can a Bash script interact with user input?

Yes, use the read command to prompt the user for input:

echo "Enter your name:"
read name
echo "Hello, $name!"